Heal the world — one jar of applesauce at a time

Alex Petty
2 min readSep 5, 2020
Been sharing already; not much left — Photo ap.pics

With all the problems in the world right now, people need to do something to improve the lives of ourselves and our fellow humans.

How would it be if we could find a simple way to start changing our societies to be more caring and inclusive?

I was speaking with my client Gila Nehemia the other day, and she was telling me how there was an abundance of fruit on an apple tree in her garden. The apples taste sour to eat straight off the tree; that’s because they are cooking apples.

We discussed making applesauce with them. There were so many apples that there could be multiple jars of the sauce — just like mother used to make.

All this talk of making applesauce gave me an idea to spread joy to the wider community.

I don’t know about you, but I love homemade applesauce; and other preserves. With a few additional ingredients, some time and some love, it doesn’t take very long to make these wonderful foods. And then there’s the joy that can be had in the picking of this bounty — as a family and friends activity. Think of the happiness and laughter to be had. Also it’s a great way to pass the learnings on to the next generations.

Nature has provided an abundance of fruits that we could use to make a positive difference to many lives of those who live with us and around us. Firstly, a nice applesauce for the family, then sharing the other jars with friends and neighbours.

It might be that others decide to share some with their friends and familty too. Maybe it will prompt others to make jars of applesauce, or jams, or preserves from their fruit trees.

In the UK we have wild fruits, such as blackberries which people could harvest, make jams, and share the same way. What other wild growing fruits could you use?

It could be that some of the produce be shared to a wider group; especially those in need of food and friendship.

What a great way to make new friends, share natures abundance and build stronger relationships with those in our communities.

If we all make 2 jars of ‘applesauce’ and share one, what a friendlier society we could have.

My challenge to you is - what treats could you make and share with the people around you to help heal the pain of the current situations, and build a happier society in the process?



Alex Petty

An avid learner of new skills and information. Looking to share some insights into current topics that will have a positive impact on the readership.